The Caribara offer

4 solutions for 4 goals

fond bleu avec texte "La série sensibiliser aux fondamentaux"
fond violet avec texte "le cyberquiz mettre en situation"
fond bleu avec texte "le cybergame former aux gestes essentiels"


Personnage avec des appareils électroniques dans un caddie, illustration des enjeux numériques.

The aim of the animated series is to raise your employees’ awareness of the basics of cybersecurity, through a long-term campaign.

It addresses the 14 most widespread human vulnerabilities, in the form of episodes divided into 2 seasons + 3 off-season episodes, adaptable to your brand (logo, voice-over).

Each episode is accompanied by a communication set (posters, communication cards, goodies) and a quiz (optional). You can buy them individually or as a pack of episodes.



The Cyberquiz is an e-learning system designed in the same fun, offbeat style as the animated series. It is highly pragmatic, focusing on 24 use cases (modules) that your employees face on a daily basis.

It can be used alongside the animated series, or independently of it, to quickly bring your staff up to speed on targeted issues.

The modules are available in 8 languages and can be adapted to your brand (logo insertion, adaptation of best practices).

Once installed on your LMS, you can measure performance using the KPIs available on your LMS.

Illustration d’un homme multitâche utilisant un ordinateur portable tout en parlant au téléphone.

Some examples of modules

Illustration d'un personnage utilisant le wifi public dans un café avec le texte "utiliser un wifi public"


illustration d'un personnage devant un ordinateur et utilisant un VPN pour la cybersécurité

The Cybergame is a ‘gamified’ training module in the essentials of cybersecurity.

It alternates between awareness-raising videos and targeted testing exercises (MCQs, matching, gap-filling, etc.), with the aim of collecting as many Cyber shields as possible as you go along.

It is available in 2 versions: light version (short 10-minute course) and full version (long course including 6 Cyberquizzes).

This module received a satisfaction rating of 4,8/5 from over 3,500 employees of a major group when it was launched in May 2024.


There’s no need to remind you that phishing is one of the biggest threats to your organisation, and its techniques continue to be ‘perfected’ a little more every day. Your employees need to be prepared with method and discernment: how to detect, how to react?

Cyberphish is an in-depth training module in the form of a gamified course. It includes an interactive tutorial lasting over 3 minutes, which explains in concrete terms the different types of phishing and, above all, how to identify them quickly.

It is followed by highly pragmatic exercises that allow you to test your knowledge and understand the elements of phishing through detailed explanations.

Illustration d'une femme souriant derrière son ordinateur

They trusted us

Already deployed in dozens of organisations (private/public, large groups/small businesses/administrations) and almost 500,000 users, our Cyber courses now benefit from feedback backed up by many different ‘configurations’.

Some of our customers talk about the concrete benefits they have derived from our system, or the initial reasons for their choice.

The Podcast (in French)

portrait d'emmanuel doreau sur fond bleu avec le logo "groupe inovie"
portrait d'isabelle issanchou sur fond bleu avec le logo de l'Urssaf
Portrait de Nicolas Leymarie sur fond orange avec le logo de la région Occitanie
Portrait de Malika Ziane sur fond bleu avec le logo de UCANSS

Customer testimonials

Portrait de Joëlle Richert sur fond vert avec le logo du groupe RATP
Portrait de Yannick Kereun sur fond bleu avec le logo de ONET
Portrait de Olivier Renault sur fond marron avec le logo de IDEC groupe
Portrait de Romain Simoneau sur fond rouge avec le logo de alten

A few quotes

Monnoyeur Group – Guillaume NOYRIT, CISO

‘Why use a cartoon to convey such a serious subject? Because that’s what gets the message across best, and in the end that’s what counts: that the message is heard and assimilated.’

Super U (U Tech) – Vincent LEFRET, CISO

‘The awareness campaign has just been launched and the initial feedback has been very positive. This cartoon approach is really very interesting and raises awareness in an effective way.’

Fleury Michon – Laurent BABIN, CISO

‘We wanted to get away from the austere, anxiety-provoking, lesson-giving side of cybersecurity and reach out to everyone. This humorous animated mini-series fully meets this expectation without compromising on the substance of the message.’


‘The course has been very well received by our employees, behaviour has changed and relations with the IT Department have taken on a new dimension.’

CEA – Jérémie Piazza, CISO

‘I was quickly won over by the concept of a web series based around characters demystifying cybersecurity. With its short, fun format, adapted to the codes of the public sector, the campaign is quickly established in time and space.’


‘We wanted to reach a wide audience with a medium that was original, attractive and fun, and the animated series proved to be the ideal vehicle for getting the message across, playing down the myth with humour while retaining the essential message.’

INTERIALE – Richard Dhieux, CISO

‘I wanted to make the awareness campaign ‘disruptive’, so I set up a screensaver containing a slideshow of offbeat and funny visuals. CARIBARA’s approach, which was made available to us, was very well received, right up to our senior management team. The aim was achieved, to reach all audiences.’


‘In the wake of a cyber attack, we wanted to run an awareness campaign that would reach out to the university community in the broadest possible way. We opted for a hard-hitting, humorous and rich format.’

Latest customers

logos clients de Caribara

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Illustration d'un personnage devant ses écrans d'ordinateur

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